Beta Test Humans
Beta Test Humans
Best Intentions Ep3: A Speakeasy Meeting
Ben and Joe find themselves in quite a mess. They've been shot, the mob is involved in the case, and a creature of horror has stopped hiding. They'll continue the investigation while also getting their wounds treated and then they're off to visit an old friend from Ben's past to hopefully get the mob out of the way and perhaps acquire some resources to contain the legal troubles and the eldritch in the process.
Author and Dungeon Master/Keeper: Tony Dionisio
Sound Editing/Engineering: Spencer Peerson
Production Lead: Dave Larson
Some Royalty free music from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com
Additional Music by Nicolas Jeudy of Dark Fantasy Studios
Based on the novel "Best Intentions" and inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft
Benjamin Harris: Spencer Peerson
Joseph Wheatley: Dave Larson
Speakeasy Singer: Amanda Holland
Literally Everyone Else: Tony Dionisio
Content advisories: Language, Smoking, Drinking, Body Horror
this is not going to be safe for work or kids or Scholars or anybody else who
wishes to investigate the mysteries of the unknown yes very good human you may live another
okay how best intentions um we have a little bit of stuff to do
on the scorecard here because this is ultimately a ttrpg that we are playing to tell the story
um so here's Tony to sort of explain how that's going to work once we're all done with that we'll uh we'll get we'll get
going with the actual play itself okay well since this is the start of a
new session every single skill that the characters had previously succeeded on they marked on their character sheets
and now they get a chance to increase them and in order to do that they have to roll their d100s and roll over what
their number is so say their stealth is a 50 they need to roll over 50 in order to increase it and if they are
successful on that they'll increase it by 1d10 if they fail it just doesn't increase the same thing goes for luck so
if their luck is 60 they roll a 61 they get increase it they roll underneath their luck they don't get to increase it
this is contrary to how we normally roll just for like the listeners benefit that when we're actually playing we want to
roll under these things so the higher it goes uh the easier it is to succeed but
the harder it is to increase to make it any better and also another thing
um I'm trying to stick to rules as written as well rules has written about as much as I can uh but just for brevity
we are not going to be strictly following the healing rules uh that's in seventh edition Call of Cthulhu uh
because otherwise if you had heard what happened to them last episode they would be out of commission for oh really
really long time yeah for narrative purposes it's gonna be faster so that
the story doesn't get [ __ ] up by us actually [ __ ] up I took this case and then I got shot
and I was gone for a month so let's let's keep going Tony who do
you want to who do you want to roll first and get things up um Dave let's go ahead and start with you why don't you go ahead
and uh roll to upgrade some of your skills and then let us know what went up
let's throw them bones I don't think anything went up on that
roll it was a five that was for my medicine which was uh I had to get over
11 to increase that so that's you know what's going to happen is you're going to roll really low to level up
everything and then when you're actually playing you'll you'll just roll high I'll get a roll High yeah that's yeah that's exactly what's gonna happen
okay all real quick and then let us know that's a fail
that's a fail that's also a fail really nothing
nothing went up oh there's another one okay yeah so my
luck went up by eight and my stealth went up by three I will I will need that
luck but uh everything else is kind of stayed the same that's good because you were you were the heavy spender on luck
last episode so it's good that you got back uh a good bit yeah I know I'm glad I got some of my luck back okay well
awesome Spencer how about you go ahead and you take us away on a little trip down you okay yeah
Let's uh that's a that's that's one lock up see if it goes up Tony
I wish you could see these um because that's the first Lux going up by 10. going from 60 to 57 to 67. let's
give a shot at Dodge which I have checked here because I don't recover a few times oh was Dodge something that we
oh okay that's going up oh Dave did you forget about Dodge I did forget about Dodge okay we'll get back to you and you
let us know what your Dodge turned into uh let's do this other one which is persuade
uh that's going up by three I mean okay I mean better than
nothing yeah uh and then the last one which was stealth I sh Wait I shot
people I should have firearms too so that is not stealth is not gonna go up but I've used handguns let's roll for
that see what's going up if that uh that is a 68 over the 60 so that's
going up by uh one [ __ ] yeah
um [ __ ] my my Dodge is 30 and I rolled in
18. so oh Dave that's not it's gonna be a fun episode for you I can feel it in
my boots yeah yep without uh any further delay let's go
ahead and hop back into best intentions previously on best intentions can I help
you yeah I'm here to check out the estate as per Adam backstrom's request
nobody gets into that [ __ ] house somebody's already been here looks like
you guys didn't [ __ ] listen to me shoot him
well we just turned this uh disappearance into a triple homicide and as you open it up the contents are
backstrom's will kind of start to put things together these were men who worked for Mordecai the hammer O'Leary
Joe you feel a shot go right into your shoulder and then the next one go
somewhere maybe in your side then you feel you get shot somewhere in the upper
thigh and you get into the car kind of bleeding on the leather of the car you both see this time is a rat
the human face
thank you so after escaping from backstrom's
estate from the hail of gunfire from what the guards were shooting at you
evading the police and getting back into your car you guys are huffing and
puffing covered in blood that hasn't been washed away by the rain as you guys
are sitting in the car and catching your breath you see sitting on the hood of
the car a rat the human face now as it turns to look at you two as you're both
still seated in the car it looks as though the head which is where the human
face would be is coming out of the rat's head which is opened up almost to a 180
degree angle with the front teeth covering the forehead somewhat you can
see the four arms of the Rat stick out and kind of move around
uselessly and underneath on the chest of the Rat you see these two scrawny
looking human arms that pop out with the index and middle finger fused together
along with the ring and pinky finger that are fused together but they're still separated so it has like these
three uh digits the thumb and then um two conjoined fingers is it turns and
looks at both of you somewhat with this dead expression on its face I want both
of you to make sanity checks for me I need to do one in real life uh yeah
I'm gonna go I'm gonna go uh take a shower um normally lovecraftian Horrors are
love crafting Horrors because they're like the imagination takes over but Tony you just described something really
grotesque and made it work anyway you you sick son of a [ __ ] so my so my
sanity 67 I've been trying to get under that or am I trying to go over that you it's it's the same thing as a skill roll
okay so we want to get God [ __ ] damn it so
we want to get under it right yeah you want to get under it okay well I'm sitting at a 49 over 79 so I'm I'm
good I guess okay um Dave what did you get a 91 over 67 oh
that's a fail yeah all right um all right so Spencer you're only going
to take one point of Sanity damage because you passed oh I'm sorry Mr Harris yes Mr Benjamin
Harris now so Mr Harris you're going to go ahead and take one point of Sanity
damage for me please okay uh Joe because you failed you're going to take I'm
going to go ahead and uh roll here Five Points of Sanity damage fun that was almost the max I could take which
because you took five points in one go is going to elicit an intelligence role
to see whether or not you go temporarily insane oh no uh so I'm testing that
against my intelligence yep now before you roll here is the interesting thing about this when you take five or more
points of Sandy damage in one go you have to make an intelligence roll this you want to fail because if you fail
this it means your mind has blocked out the horrors that you've seen is kind of protecting you but if you pass it it
means you understand what you're seeing and you can't handle it and you're gonna go nuts right so this is good this is
gonna you wanna fail yeah it's gonna come whoa I know it
that is a 68 and my intelligence is 75. oh you are going to go temporarily
insane what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ for 10 minutes great
okay I trust you I trust uh sorry not Dave uh Joe I trust you in your role-playing ability so because yours is
the more exciting between the two I will go ahead and tell you this you have a lot of friends you've made a lot of friends going from place to place and
working around the face you see on this rat looks exactly like your friend trash
can Pete no [Laughter]
can [Laughter]
who is who is a Wandering Vagabond who is usually Pals around with
a Wandering Vagabond usually who usually wanders around with his uh dog Duke who
he ate at one point I think he ate one Duke he was up to Duke four
last time we checked just he wants a lot of them Duke the force so so it's for
for audience freeze uh understanding uh there is a
board game for Call of Cthulhu and one of the characters in it is uh Ash can
Pete his real name is trash can yeah trash can Joe or something yeah
but uh um he was the most by far the most competent of all the characters in
that board game and basically single-handedly won it won the game for us gun and eating his dog
what a fate this is Canon yeah with this information and with your mind being
racked by this reality how does Joe proceed oh he's oh Jesus Christ what the
[ __ ] still screaming his head off so Harris Ben Jones just starts losing
his mind at this rat he he is struggling in his chair he's pointing at it he's
kicking he's screaming he he is 100 in panic mode you you just took one point
of Sandy damage so you're still going to react in some way but what do you want to do you still have control your faculties but you do you see this weird
looking rat thing you don't know what what the hell this thing is what do you want to do I'm gonna [ __ ] shoot it no
I'm gonna vomit and then just like okay all right no
um audibly Benjamin is oh Jesus no no no no no no not again not again
um gets out of the car and takes off his coat and is gonna like try to just uh
he's he's visibly stressed out like out of his mind but he's gonna try to catch
it because I have a i there are people who will need to see this okay so the
coat is off and I'm going to try to capture it why did I have three trash can because it is a rat and rats are
very quick uh let me just see I think is this a Rat Tony is this a rat it's
definitely rat shaped I want you just to make a make a dexterity and it's gonna
be dexterity versus uh the rat's dexterity okay okay so are we just it's like is it a roll off or am I using my
sheet here uh it's gonna be a roll-off so you have to roll your dexterity the rat got a a hard so you need to get a
hard or better I got a 13. um which is one off from extreme yeah
you you get up out of the car taking off your coat Joe still screaming his head off the rat
at Joe then looks up at you goes to hop off of the hood of your car and you
snatch it like a sack in your coat and you can see it struggling and moving around and you can also just hear this
weird moaning noise coming out from the coat just somewhat muffled by the fabric
of the coat you hear this
is there awake can I like tie the coat off
yeah there's a there's a way that you you can tie it off yeah I mean it's it's a trench coat super secure it's a little
waist tie I can use to actually like tie it off I think
uh I would like to roll luck uh as a skill to see if I happen to have like a
box or some other secure container I can utilize in the car um you do have the trunk of the car there's a truck um I
would say I would say probably just this in general you have like a like a toolbox in there okay I'd say that'd
probably be a that'd be a reasonable thing for you to have in there yeah I'm gonna dump out the uh tools and utilize
the toolbox as the new like secure container because I'm gonna need
something to be able to get this inside of a building because there's going to be people who are going to need to see this and I just realized I said I'm
going to dump out the tools and I'm going to have to make that sound happen right here that's a that's a choice you
made [ __ ] so Joe the the rat is no longer in your
view of sight you don't see it anymore you are still hyperventilating but your
your Panic has calmed down somewhat but you were shaking like a leaf Ben's doing something in the trunk right
now yeah what the [ __ ] so you yeah you open it up you dump out the tools you slam
the rat in there maybe not slam it in there but you put it in there you put it you put it in there you put
it in there quickly closely you lock it
this is viscerally disturbing but uh there's people who will also need to see this
um I don't know I I I'll say I I just get like a screwdriver and just puncture
a hole in it um so that so in the toolbox yeah so there's some air vent okay
I wanted to clarify in the toolbox not in the rat right right right no so I can breathe I'll hold the chest will help it
breathe really good I poked some holes in its spec so it could breathe
um so so yeah so that's and I close up the trunk and I look at my coat it
probably looks normal I put that back on yeah there is a oh yeah that coat's a lost cause well I don't know maybe a
[ __ ] in the code or something um and uh I get back in the car ah
um that was trash can man that was trash can you knew him you knew that thing
it had his face uh Hey Joe
it's all right this is um we're gonna figure this out
we're already on a case with somebody who was apparently breathed in a natural light we got a man our client has bones
that are rubberizing I didn't sign up for this man stole that [ __ ] in Hudson all right let's throw that [ __ ]
I I was I was concerned something like this might happen
and if I'm being completely honest it's why I wanted a partner for this one do you have anything to drink uh one one
second gets out of the car goes back to the trunks gets the bottle of rum uh pours a little into a
flask and brings it back like
this is about all I got uh Joe just drinks the whole thing okay well that flask is empty I can
refill it later I really needed that man either listen we're both hurt
just calm down and um first things first we got to get these bullet wounds
patched up yeah but I did as best the job as a can hold yourself it's all right Joe
just settle down and I turned on the car and I start driving you didn't hit any arteries but there is extensive damage
to your leg uh shoulder and side uh I'm gonna be honest I can't I I don't know
how bad the damage is for me where what what happened to your accent I
uh it's I'm from Colorado first son I I I I do the accent to blend in and why
are you calling me when I went crazy crazy [ __ ] you
you're from here where's your [ __ ] exit I don't have an accent I just don't deal with it I decided that when I was
born it's 81 accident I said nah yeah [ __ ] it
so Ben where are you driving to uh the hospital um where Dr turn balm I think is naming
we're Dr Turnbull mornings okay I'll go ahead and if you guys don't know where the [ __ ] that is on the map
I'll just zoom out and watch the arrow move I don't know how big of a difference that is I know where the arrow is right
now you don't have to Ping it there we go oh that's not very far at all nope uh Delta six three okay
yep so you guys pull up to Arkham General you find a parking space you you
park in front of there and you get out of the car uh it's still it's still
raining um when you walk up well let me ask this first do you leave
it in the trunk before you go inside are you gonna bring it inside with you I have different plans for with the rat
man thing um the rat man Scooby-Doo
no I have different plans for the rat man I'm going to leave it in the trunk for now I'll give it a quick check just
to make sure like it I mean it can't escape from the inside of a toolbox that's pretty well latched right so you
open up the trunk you look at the toolbox but you put it in you can see the toolbox every now
again Jiggles and shakes I don't know if it can understand human speech but I'm
gonna just sort of like Tap the Box just don't worry it's going to be okay
we're gonna get this taken care of just don't struggle in the meantime
the Box continues just to jiggle and Shake I closed the trunk again I am going to say this uh Joe by this
time you are no longer it's been past 10 minutes by this time
so you're still on edge you haven't forgotten what you
saw but you you've collected your nerves that for
for now and my pants would be ruined if they weren't already so continuing on
um you both go so you both uh go into Arkham General
and as you approach it's not too many people here you see some nurses and some doctors going back and forth
um between the hallways and some of them walk past you uh one person stops and
looks you guys over and just kind of shakes their head and keeps going to wherever they were going uh there's a
reception desk in the front where you see uh three nurses uh currently working uh one's on the phone and one's looking
looks up from whatever paperwork she was doing and gives you guys a very worried glance yeah I mean we we're both visibly
shot we we don't have an appointment but uh we'd like to see Dr Turnbull
is he it um I can see if he's available how about you two boys um she points
over to the chairs which have a cloth covering how about YouTube about you just stand here and I'll I'll get you
yeah they don't really want to clean up blood off of the uh the furniture yeah I'm I'm heavily favoring one leg as I
feel like only arriving at the hospital does my leg start to hurt because the adrenaline's wearing off yeah shot shock
is has passed there's nobody still shooting at us and there isn't actively new psychologically terrorizing things
so you see the nurse coming back and behind her is uh Dr turnbaum with his
big mustache and white hair and you can see his uh uh glasses pinched on the tip of his nose he comes he's walking over
to you he's actually in his doctor uniform uh when he approaches you guys and he stops and she goes back behind
the desk and he looks at you too my God what happened to you too you know what um just just follow me we'll get you to
um Square it away thank you Doctor you guys follow him um yeah you guys follow him into not his
office but into like a patient room an examination room in an examination room
any points to the pain able for one of you to sit on any points at the chair for the you know whoever wants to get
whoever wants to go first um I'll I'll take a seat yeah I got two bullet wounds and and pretty close to
vital areas okay yeah um just did a quick patch job but uh not it's nothing that's gonna hold for for
any amount of time I can see it was um very confidently done so I applaud you
on that you two might be here for a few hours is that okay well it's going to have to be okay if you want these
bullets out of you the other option is going out in the street and dying so no I'm I'm gonna be here for a while so uh
what's your insurance like is Insurance a thing in the 1920s I don't know I didn't look it up so
so he gets uh he gets to work on Joe digging around in like your your shoulder uh it's going to have to be in
a sling for uh a few months I've got a
few months it's gonna have to wait a little bit but just give me the sling if you want it to heal correctly Joe still
working on Joe he talks to you Ben without looking at you he says so did you find any uh Clues we actually found
quite a bit doctor and we're we're more than aware of your involvement in this situation then oh yes I've been Adam's
doctor for the last year and a half now you've been Adam's uh doctor for quite
some time was he in good health before all of this oh yes um extremely good
health uh very healthy young man used to join his uncle on all kinds of
trips um I think the last one they went to was in North Africa somewhere how
long ago was that oh three years ago I think um according to uh according to Blair
okay almost there you are very lucky that none of this did any more damage
than it already did yeah I tell myself that every day um okay
so uh what circumstances led to you two to
being shot let me answer that question with another question are you familiar with any of the nephew's involvement
with Blair's disappearance uh the only thing he's been trying to do is uh find his uncle ever since he's disappeared I
can't really do much other than that he sends correspondence out using a Miss Victoza but um all right what about it
his cousins though that's a uh a different story uh the did oh they did attempt to bribe
me in order to get a hand of uh Adam's medical records and you turned it down of course I turned it down that is a
breach of a hypocritical they take did they reveal anything in this exchange that might be helpful in any of the
proceedings as I go forward well they don't like Adam and they don't like
Blair they don't they didn't like Blair no they I would say they never liked
Blair uh okay so this isn't just a matter about money it's or rather it's only about
money they didn't care for Blair at all no I'd say not um they at least have a decent amount of
money or act like they have a decent amount of money right your shoulder's almost done
my friend yeah thanks Adam did say that they live outside of their means
I have not been over to their home I've only ever met them when they tried to bribe me that one time in case it gets
out of hand doctor if for some reason something goes wrong you should know
that the cousins have been employing we'll say mercenaries to guard the
estate that's what led it to our injuries here he stops working on Joe for a second
that do it shoulders done whereas the other wound uh Joe gestures to his his
side some blood seeping out he takes your shirt he pulls your shirt up looks at that he goes you are probably one of
the luckiest men I've ever met that's awesome everything
[Laughter] if it had hit the kidney I probably wouldn't be conscious right now well
this is going to hurt a lot yeah it's the I got a quick question for you doc can you write me a prescription for some
whiskey uh no I can uh write you a prescription
for some opium I will take that okay but he does walk over to um
he does walk over to his roar I don't think during prohibition whiskey was was whiskey prescribed yeah during provision
oh I didn't know that you learned something new every every day the more you do yeah
so he goes over to the um like a cabinet and he opens it up and he reaches behind
some boxes and he pulls out a little thing of whiskey and he hands it to you Joe here you go
oh come on I'm not sharing this I got shot in the yeah that doesn't mean chug
the [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't want a drunk I don't wanna I don't want to Pal around with a drunk character it will impair
you because Tony's doing this almost in real time fine I'll sip this and I'll hold on to it for later okay so he
continues to work on your side um is there anything you guys want to bring up to turn bomb
um while you guys are getting worked on or I did mention that there are people who the people who shot us were hired by
the cousins and I don't I don't think we should bring up the fact that we found the will because even though Dr turnbaum
seems very trustworthy right now we don't know how correct far ah um do you
know um who they hired doctor as much as you have your Hippocratic oath I have my
terms of discretion as well I'm not willing to reveal that information until after we've we've settled the matter
is finally starting to catch up all right uh okay you are all done my friend
he Patsy on the back Joe oh God I'm just gonna go sit over here for a few yeah
I'm gonna just close my eyes but I'm not asleep guys just uh Mr Harris you're
next I hop up on the table all right stretch my leg out he looks in it wow um a few more inches up and to the right
and it would have gone right into your [ __ ] okay here we go I feel like you were making a pass at me doctor so are
you single or uh you see anybody do you come here often I meant as an
insult do you get shot in the butt like all the time and maybe not with a bullet
um all right so let's go ahead and unless you guys want to ask him anything else or talk to him some more
um I was like for between the two of you it takes him maybe about three hours to get you guys fully patched up okay I I'm
fine with paying that that uh that price okay so I'll go ahead and just break it down you guys got to Adam's house at 11.
you left probably around level 45 or 12. he got up to Blair's estate maybe around 12 15 or 12 20. he broke in you were
there till I'd say you said it took a couple of hours yeah and so you guys were there till 2 2 30 left and now it's
it's either it's five or six o'clock right now let's ride up to six yeah we had to drive to the hospital too yeah so
let's say it's uh it's six o'clock by the time you uh turn bomb finishes patching you guys up oh boy okay all
right um are we are we out of the hospital right now uh almost right you are all done let's just say um I'll
do this one pro bono next time though you owe me money well
last time you know what doctor I I don't I don't think I'm particularly happy with that um and so I give him I don't know 15
bucks which I guess is a lot for for the 1920s all right he takes it all right
well um thank you uh if you need anything else I am here until 3am after
that I go home good to know doctor thank you all right one more thing if you can keep this a whole visit between us that
would be I would appreciate that he does the little lips are sealed maybe a little zipper sign over the lips thank
you Doctor don't know about the nurses but uh hopefully the doctor's on the level but nurses don't know who we are
right but they do know that we did walk in with some gunshot wounds let's go yeah uh Health any day points back
um I will just say go ahead go ahead and take off major wound and that will be nice and I'll roll a d10 you get back
nine both of us we both skip we both get back nine yes oh cause I rolled a ten over here but all right either way
that's more than full yeah I'm back at full wow okay that was really nice you're welcome thank you everybody gets
it for one everybody gets everybody gets one no more no less we go back to each of our
apartments and swap out close all right and I will go ahead and just tack on an extra hour all right hour of doing that
it's now it is seven o'clock okay okay uh leaving I guess I don't know we probably went to Joe's first uh leaving
my apartment I check one more time and assume the rat's still there like the
the box is still closed yeah the box is still closed and it's still jittering and janking around great I get back into
the car um all right Joe you keep asking about alcohol yeah just I just needed uh a
little bit to take the edge off and there's a lot of edges to this case well I know where there's a lot of speakeasies and there's one very
specifically I need to go talk to Mordecai Mordecai uh it's open we go to the sycamores but uh I don't know what
Mordecai's is yeah don't worry about it for now but um are you still good to fire a gun if you need to It's Gonna the
kickback's gonna hurt but I can do it your good arm yeah like uh I'm probably gonna need to carry around the uh the
rifle just so I can uh get a good Aim so I'm not been good with pistols anyway all right your call but part of the
reason I'm bringing the trench coat because uh going in there an armed was kind of dumb you have a sawed off we can
make one really quick so no it's fine just make sure you keep it concealed right so we drive towards
um Mordecai's Speakeasy so you drive you start making your way to Mordecai the
hammer or Leary's Hideout or his place of business more like it you drive up there you know this is a spot where
Mordecai can usually be found yeah I do holster my pistol on like that little
like side holster that you would see it's like uh you know on the side chest and I take one of those little things
for a a revolver that reloads it really quick okay puts in like six bullets all at once and then you just pull it out
and toss it yeah quick load yeah so I I bring my Revolver by quick load that's set up and um I get the rat
I get the toolbox uh I'm gonna um I'm gonna be like Kyle Reese and Ty
the trudge the shotgun to a string on my tent and underneath my trench coat do you think I would have a hiding spot
inside my car I mean you could always make one like slip it underneath the seat up in the mechanisms or something
so a place that people wouldn't typically look here's what I want here's what I want you to do I want you to make a stealth roll but it's gonna be for
hiding the well in your car okay let's do that I go back
uh after I grab the rat I go back and I hide the the the will uh in my car
and I will do a stealth roll for that that is a a hard successor 24 over 25 on
the hard 24 over 52. so it's it's hidden pretty well I think
um right if you use it if you feel comfortable I say I say before
um before I uh we leave Joe um
just tell me do you think you'd be able to see that where I put that just now I'm Gonna Roll spot hidden
can I do that Tony okay uh four out of 67. yeah you see it I mean I
can see it because I kind of saw where you're putting it but uh outside Observer probably not all right so yeah
the last thing I do before I go inside is I grab the the manila envelope fold that up put it in my coat pocket just so
it's not like in the car loose and we go up is there a bouncer or a guard or
something to this place um there is a secret knock that you do that uh you you know what the secret knock is you know it's the I I we walk
up to this door with a tool kit that has a rat in it I've stashed a hammer that I
took off the last guy and I've got my weapon and I do the knock
you do the knock you see the little ice thing slides over looks down at you
closes opens it up
here to see Mordecai oh oh Mr Mordecai uh he he's down in the uh in the dining
area right now um yes just go just go downstairs and uh
he's in the uh VIP section thank you so you guys head downstairs it's like this
um brick wall hallway with uh these concrete stairs that go down and as you go down you start to hear music uh
someone drifting up the hallway and uh to you guys and you can see a light uh coming down for this other door is and
as you guys open up the other door you see this large room full bar stage fans
going you can see there's a little dance floor where there's people dancing uh and tables literate about the place
where people are eating and drinking and laughing and smoking and then uh in the corner you see this uh half circle uh
kind of sofa where uh you see Mordecai is talking um with a man you guys recognize as the
big fella who was standing guard outside of the bathroom estate oh [ __ ] I'm gonna
try to hide my face so he doesn't see me
so I'm I'm can I can I stealth yeah I'd like to blend into the crowd I I yeah essentially I'm gonna say
blending in oh do we have something I mean I think stealth is the most effective yeah yeah okay yeah I'll say
go ahead and just do stuff to just kind of blend in with the rest of the crowd all right
oh boy I got a 21 which is hard okay keep doing really good on stealth if
that doesn't increase doing math really quick he's gonna have to he's he's thinking about how much
luck he has to spend to be successful so let's see I have 37 luck right now
by step by step is a 58.
and I rolled in 87. so that would be 29 Points
um I'm gonna I'm not gonna spend all that uh all that luck because I think I'm gonna need it later I'm sorry Spence
okay no I mean if my spot if my stealth is good enough to just not be seen with
him then that's fine by me too okay all right so I go and I get a
couple of drinks at the I'll be like I'll be right back Joe and I go and I said a couple of drinks I will be not
sure what so Ben you make your way nonchalantly stealthily up to the bar uh hiding
yourself in between the crowds of people and still keeping an eye on uh Mordecai and who he's talking to and you can also
see that there's a few other people uh in that Booth who look like Mordecai's men uh Joe sure my goal yes but hopefully
that guy leaves and then I want to talk to Mordecai without the big guy actually standing right there Joe JoJo yes here
is another gameplay thing and I'm gonna give you the option for it this is called pushing the roll you described to
me how you would approach yourself differently than how you've already done it and you get a free re-roll however if
you fail this one it will be basically like you rolled two 100s it's gonna give
you a worse effect than a regular fail so you can choose to push the roll or you can just keep what you got but in
order to push the roll you have to describe to me how you'd approach it differently and kind of like a different
tactic about going about uh yourself uh so right right now Joe is trying to
blend in with the crowd but Joe is a pretty big guy um he's being this is a place he's never
been to before so he's being pretty awkward I think at this point Joe's kind of realizing he's kind of sticking out
like a sore thumb so he's gonna try to go find a place to sit down that's out of sight and like kind of like a hide in
a booth um if there's are there booths here there are there are booths here there is
one open Booth with no one's with well I say there's there's a there's an open Booth with a couple of guys sitting at
it but they're seem pretty inebriated and you figure you could probably just squeeze in there and they wouldn't really mind yeah I'm gonna try to do
that all right go ahead and reroll yourself that is 49 so barely a pass okay all
right all right you make your way over there so yeah you get into the booth and
you've just kind of hunkered down you one of the truckers get hey Jesus
you had a um beers beers guys uh yeah no I guess
want some whiskey I got a little bit of whiskey whiskey Bartender
Bartender more are they near the bartender
I'm gonna pull up my whiskey bottle and pour some whiskey into their glasses so they're not making a huge scene okay
um because you guys wait for a little bit you see eventually the big guy who
is talking to Mordecai leaves and he goes into the back room the Mordecai keeps drinking and he looks very put out
and very frustrated at what at whatever news this guy just gave to him yeah
[Laughter] um I'm gonna try to eavesdrop on like
what people are talking around the in the general surroundings like oh it doesn't have to be Mordecai but like I
just want to just like see if there's like anything like what what the feel the club is like this is what you were
doing when he was still talking to him yeah okay all right um You can either do a listen roll or you can use your read
lips however you want to approach it I'm looking for my three lips on the oh read lips is 50 my listen is 57.
um I didn't know listen listen is a skill is there any reason I can't also do this
um I mean you can try to make a listen roll too if you want yeah because I know you don't have red lips but you can try
to make a recipe I'll let him use listen and I will try to use read lips because if I use read lips and I got a good view
of Mordecai I might be able to tell what he's saying so uh read lips 45. all right that's a
success listen to 51 over 35 so it's just a fail there's too much going okay yeah so
um Ben you're unable to make out what's being said between those two
um but yeah yeah um yeah I'll go let's do Joe real quick
yeah so Joe looking around and just kind of scanning the room you can see people's mouth moving someone appears to
be having a hard time with their bike shop um some people are hitting up and
chatting up this girl uh you can see some other are talking about um doing a robbery outside of town
there's another group of people talking about fencing some objects and you can just barely see Mordecai and the big guy
and right before the big guy leaves you see him say you see him say that they
haven't found the will yet and they suspect those two [ __ ] got it okay Oh leaving the wheel behind was a
good idea okay and Mordecai retorts go wait in the back I'll be there in a bit
okey-doke so when I see um Mordecai uh or Mordecai's goon leave
I finish up whatever beer I had and I order two shots of whiskey okay you get two shots of whiskey and then I uh I
start heading towards Mordecai with the two shots of whiskey the toolbox and I
sort of like nod at Joe so that he knows where I'm at uh so he's like okay I give
him a wary nod to the head like it's like I don't think they know but they
they're pissed okay however a nod can do that um I'm gonna say it's sorry if you want
to be able to if you wanna if you want to be able to read that make a psychology check I will okay I'll read
that thank you I will read that that's a fine yeah so
where is psychology it's five okay so
um so somehow with a nod Joe is able to tell you that surprised whatever
whatever Joe was trying to relate to you with that very worried head nod you got you got okay oh I I nod like I I'm sure
I know and then I like sort of lift the toolbox a little bit not that I don't think I don't think Joe actually knows
what's in that toolbox uh because he was freaking out inside the car uh so I have the two shots of whiskey before I'm in
view of him I set one in front of him from like the side but behind before he's looked at me and then I set one
down on the table in front of me as he looks at me as you put the glass in front of him he looks up at you and he sees the toolbox oh hey Harris you uh
being a plumber now he looks where you put the glass and he looks at one of the guys are sitting on that end he gives a head not the guy gets up and just walks
over to the other side of Mordecai sat down might have need of you later that brings you to my table I'm sure you have
need of me now Mordecai are you uh you know what I'm just gonna cut right to the chase it's the Backstrom estate you
had guys there he stops for a second and you can see that he's working something out he looks at you I just received some news about the Backstrom estate Harris
you can't have anything to do with that now be very careful here Mordecai we go
back quite a ways I'm doing my job yeah I remember the job you did for me and you did a damn fine job of that it was a
weird job wasn't it it was I remember covering it for you you took another job which interfered with something of my
business explain things have gotten out of hand again Mordecai
I'll start from the beginning this is my hand stop you we're gonna be talking business and we are talking
business oh we are we're not talking here we got an office in the back how about you join me we can talk business
there not out here not in public he looks around the room I was told that there was another one
with you there is where's the other fella I uh sort of wave at Joe and like
gesture for him to come over Joe like tries to cover his face but then he's just like yeah no that's not gonna work
and then he stands up it's like nice nice drinking with you boys who is you too
I love you I love I love you too
um I I take I pick up the shot that I brought over and sort of look at the one
that Mordecai had and gesture take shot before we do all this he holds it up and clinks glasses with you when he takes a
shot and then follow him to the back room I
by the way am prepared for some big guy to like try to clunk me over the side of
the head or something not that there's any way for him to have communicated that or anything ahead of time but I'm
just ready for it okay do you follow Mordecai into the back room
and it leads down to this hallway that's not as nice as the one you saw it
wasn't like any Pricks uh laid out and there's some hanging uh lamps from the ceiling and a side door you go into
there and it actually leads into something that looks like a fairly competent office big desk that Mordecai sits behind and
you see standing opposite Mordecai off to his right is the big guy and then as you guys enter Mordecai Jesters to a
couple of chairs that are in front of the desk okay and as you guys take your seats the door
opens again and those guys that morkai was sitting with start to enter the room and just kind of line the room and
there's about six of them Mordecai this is I suppose this is
expected from you listen I'm not after money
not at all you're obviously searching for the will
or trying to get a hold of something that Blair had
Adam just wants me to find his uncle that's all I'm after but things have
become more complicated and you remember the job I did for you so many years ago the weird [ __ ] that I
had told you that your own men cooperated similar things are happening again he
looks up at the big guy and he looks back at you but I say things have gotten complicated you killed three of my men
ass ignment to shook an issue of course I'm going to shoot back oh yeah did he tell
you to [ __ ] off he told me to [ __ ] off did you listen [Music]
Mordecai it caused a big problem for me Harris I got three dead men up at that [ __ ]
house they got the cops on me now and or another thing Mr Brown here and he points to the big
guy believes that you have found the will that we've been searching for I don't know any [ __ ] about any will that's
good that's a lie that is a Lie Is there a lot so also persuasion persuasion new
persuasion yep and I want to be clear I don't mean I I don't mean I don't know about the will I mean I don't
don't have it like I know that there's a thing going on we'll do a persuasion
41 over 53. so it's a regular he looks at you and what what you're doing in the house well all right I'll stop you there
before you roll me up with the obvious we don't know where Blair is the house
has been empty ever since he left but I'm wondering Harris this is what I'm [ __ ]
wondering what are you gonna do so repay me for the men you took the men
that were under new points of the big guy Mr Browns employee at the time now I'm a forgiven
person Harris Mr Brown here not so much he used to be
a Knight Rider do you know what that is I've heard things go ahead and use require some elaboration entertain this
so Joe when he says Knight Raider you know what that is you were in the war you were in the trenches what the night
what Knight Raiders were were they were people who at the dead of night would go out into the enemy trenches and just
cause General Havoc for them either killings VIPs stealing info or blowing
things up so like Black Ops but in World War One yep and that's also what
Mordecai relates to you guys and then he mentions the unit that Mr Brown was in and you remember there was only one guy
in that unit oh God yeah remember the crowds telling ghost stories about you brown looks you Mordecai and I I put the
the toolbox on the on the desk there's something you need to see but I don't think you want everyone else to see it
can can I also leave the room for this so to persuade Mordecai to let people
out of the room you are going to need a hard or better persuade because you're because your previous history allows for
you to be able to persuade this but you're gonna need a you're gonna need a pretty high roll or a pretty low roll well I'm doing math and I don't I don't
think I necessarily want to um it's a 72 over 52 so I'm just or 72
over 53. I'm just gonna let that fail nah
looks at you what's in the [ __ ] toolbox ass I keep referencing the job I
did for you in the past the weird [ __ ] you're telling me there's some weird [ __ ] in this toolbox
yes I would prepare your mind if you intend to look in there but this is why I'm here there are
things that are going on that are beyond what we would like to understand and it is all connected to Adam and
Blair he leans back in this chair so what do you want me to do about it
what the [ __ ] do you want me to do you want me to help you do you want me to go send out all my men
and help you find Blair for you I came here to inform you so that as I continue
to look for Clues as to Blair's whereabouts that I don't have to look over my shoulder all the time I that I
don't run into further resistance because Mordecai if this [ __ ] gets out
if this gets any worse I don't know what will happen to the
town people will panic people will die people might turn into weird
monstrosities and I gesture at the box he looks back down the box and looks back at you is the Box still like
moaning it's it's jiggling yeah and you can see like you know like those two
fused fingers in that hole that you poke through see like there's a little finger like poke up and like wiggle out and go
back in and that Mordecai sees that that kind of seems to be enough for him I need to talk to you Mordecai you were
willing to help before you were willing to put a wrap on this before you
I know that crime is your deal and I would never try to stop that
because frankly Mordecai you as well as the others are key to keeping stability
in the city all right I'm gonna stop you with your flattery right now so with the weird [ __ ] that you just put
on my desk yes listen I'm not forgetting our history and the job that she did for
me what I am saying is there is a debt to be paid for the three lives you took the three men that she killed a catch us
shrug that off so here's how this is gonna go down I'm gonna go ahead and call off my dogs
that's another favor that you owe me and here's what we're gonna do you're gonna give me that [ __ ] will
and then I'm gonna call on you for a job that you're gonna do for free
and you're gonna do it because if you break any part of this
range which you try to screw me he points at Mr Brown so I won't impede your investigation
but you're gonna give me what I'm owed from that house and then after that you'll do another
job for me I'm not a murderer I know you're not as long as you understand that I
understand my three lives were still taken that costs money so if you want dirt on somebody I can help you with
that but if you want me to assassinate someone not something I can do
now I know your set of skills you find things so when I need something found I'll call on you you'll go find it for
me all right as for the will I already told you I don't have it I wasn't looking for that all right then you're
gonna do another thing for me instead of finding the wheel I want you to go pay a visit to the Grands the nephews
the cousins no the the cousins God man read your [ __ ] nuts nephew and niece uh lawyer you want you
want the cousins hi they hired us for this job and they've been paying us fairly steadily but of late the money's
been running a bit short you know they don't have money right that's why I'm going to have you go down there confirm
for me and see if um they're even worth our [ __ ] time and if you're able to
bring proof to me that they're not I'll even let the will slide all right uh now
uh Mr Hammer his head just like snaps and like looks over it not like snaps but you know like just like really
quickly it just like looks at you uh I this is uh just a point of uh I don't
want to say Anna it's more of a point of stupidity in my part but uh Ben wasn't
fully responsible for all threes you you men dying I I was the guy that um
lopped off the head of one of them with a mace he points at you guys here are
the blocks that brains Danny he had a wonderful singing voice oh that Danny boy I'm I'm uh I'm sorry so if there's
any way that you could like shift some of the debt off of Mr Harrison fine fine yes I would agree it is
approach of stupidity on your part yeah and when I call in for the job to find something you'll be joining him okay all
right and Mr pinching the bridge of his nose damn it Joe I was just hoping that I could just move
something because I'm really good at picking stuff up but uh yeah I guess I guess I'd probably be helping him on
that job anyway you two are in this together you two are gonna continue to be in this together
and as long as everything goes right I'll make sure that Mr Brown hair doesn't put a bomb under your car uh I
mean I don't have a car but I know Ben has a car so that'd be kind of unfortunate for him hmm right
so then this is how it's going to work use two are gonna go to the grants you're gonna
find out they actually have the money they say that they owe me or if they don't
and if they don't you bring that proof back here and I let the whole backstream estate
Wheels slide not the deaths that debt I'll be calling in later understand all
right O'Leary all right I agree to these terms right he gets up he holds out his hand I shake
I take this [ __ ] toolbox off my desk I'll try to keep that under wraps too
[Music] take care of your mess [Music]
[Music] [Applause]
[Music] [Applause]